Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘leak detection’

Hidden Leaks Can Cost You Bundle—In More Ways Than One

Monday, September 23rd, 2024


As a homeowner, it’s easy to overlook hidden leaks. Unlike a burst pipe that demands immediate attention, hidden leaks can quietly persist behind walls, under floors, or even in ceilings, causing long-term damage that can escalate quickly.We know that what may start as a small, unseen leak can lead to significant expenses—financially, structurally, and even in terms of health.

Let’s explore the different ways hidden leaks can affect your home and how they add up to large costs over time. You can trust us for leak detection services in Williston, VT that will stop these problems.

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How Professional Plumbers Handle Leak Detection 

Monday, March 11th, 2024


Ensuring the integrity of your home’s plumbing is crucial for maintaining a healthy and functional living space. One of the key elements in this upkeep is the timely detection and repair of leaks. In this blog post, we’ll explore how our professional plumbers play a vital role in leak detection service in Burlington, VT and offer valuable insights into the state-of-the-art tools and techniques we employ.

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What You Need to Know About Pinhole Leaks

Monday, December 5th, 2022


Hidden leaks in pipes are a major problem for many homes, often without anyone in the home knowing about them … because they’re, well, hidden

The most common types of hidden leaks are known as pinhole leaks. They’re as small as their name, but that doesn’t mean they can’t cause a large amount of water waste and building damage. Because they’re difficult to notice, pinhole leaks often get ample time to create problems.

In this post, we’re going to provide you with important information about pinhole leaks. This will help you understand why they’re serious and need fast action from professional plumbers to eliminate.

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Spring Tips to Get Your Plumbing in Shape

Monday, April 19th, 2021

checkmark-greenNow that we’re starting to experience spring weather, it’s a good time to make sure your plumbing is ready for the middle of the year. Don’t worry: this isn’t as big a job as winter prep, when you’re working hard to make sure none of the pipes freeze. These spring steps are basic maintenance checks and jobs that you can either do yourself or with the assistance of a Burlington, VT plumber. We’re always available to assist you if you should discover anything wrong with your plumbing that needs repair or replacement work right away. 

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How Do Slab Leaks Start in the First Place?

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

slab-leak-crack-in-foundationWe’ve addressed the topic of slab leaks on our blog before, but here’s a quick rundown. Slab leak is a professional plumbing term for any pipe leaks that occur down in the concrete foundation of a building. The term can sometimes apply to any pipe leak in hardscape or rock, but for the purposes of your home we’re using it for the hot and cold water pipes under your house.

Slab leaks, as you can probably imagine, are a tricky problem. They’re difficult to detect, locate, and then reach. Our plumbers have the best tools to narrow down where the leaks are occurring so we can make the repair job as brief as possible and with little disruption to the house.

But what causes buried pipes to start to leak in the first place? There are several sources:

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How Pipe Leaks and Leaky Faucets Add Up to Big Water Waste

Monday, June 24th, 2019

faucet-drippingYou know that leaky anything isn’t good. A leaky faucet or a leaky pipe in your house isn’t something you want. But surprisingly, homeowners often leave problems like household leaks without repairs. They tolerate a leaking kitchen sink faucet as long as it isn’t making too much noise. They probably aren’t even aware of pipe leaks because they’re hidden behind walls and in the ceilings, but they may also ignore warning signs of these leaks, such as water stains on drywall.

Leaving leaks to … well, leak is bad news all around for a home. Not only can these leaks create water damage and allow mold to grow, but they are massive wastes of water, a precious natural resource.

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Are Small Leaks an Emergency?

Monday, June 25th, 2018

leak-in-p-trap-pipeWe wish we could just say “There is no such thing as a small leak in plumbing” to answer this question and end it there. Well, end it there along with the recommendation that you call us as soon as possible. Whatever the size of the leak you’ve got in your home’s pipes, if you know you have one you need a Plattsburgh, NY plumber with training and licensed to get out to you, pronto.

And if that recommendation already has you reaching for the phone to call us, then consider the following information bonus details. You’ve already taken the right step. But while you’re waiting for us to arrive, or if you’re reading this post for information or advice about future plumbing issues, we’re going to look a bit closer at the dilemma of the “small” leak.

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How Leaks Happen in Copper Pipes

Monday, May 28th, 2018

water-dropletsCorrosion is one of the great enemies of the pipes in a plumbing system. It is the main cause of leaks in residential plumbing, since it weakens pipe metal to the point where leaks will start up in multiple places. Eventually, the corrosion will destroy the pipe entirely.

“But I have copper pipes for my home. Copper doesn’t corrode.” Sorry to tell you this isn’t correct. Copper is a corrosion-resistant metal. But the same way that a water-resistant watch isn’t the same thing as a water-proof watch (you don’t want to dunk your watch down in a pool if it’s only water-resistant), a corrosion-resistant metal is not 100%-free from the effects of corrosion. There is a specific type of corrosion that affects copper pipes, and it’s the principal cause of leaking starting in these pipes.

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Tips for Saving Water This Summer

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Making efforts to conserve water during the summer is not only a way to save money off your bills. It’s also beneficial for the environment. Many parts of the country are currently suffering from harsh droughts, and it’s in the interests of everyone to help prevent water shortages. In this post, we’ve collected some tips for cutting back on how much water your property uses during the summer.

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Leak Detection Will Help You Conserve Water

Monday, June 27th, 2016

You may not realize it, but your home could be wasting water this very minute. You look around your house and wonder exactly where this could be happening. None of the faucets are dripping, and you don’t see water pooling anywhere. So where is this water waste happening?

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