Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Archive for August, 2022

Why Won’t My AC Shut Off?

Monday, August 15th, 2022

blown-awayWhen the weather gets extremely hot, an air conditioner that works all the time sounds great. Well, it sounds great. The truth is that when you have an AC that continues to run long after it’s supposed to have cycled off, you’ll end up with…

  • A house that’s far too cold for comfort
  • Electrical bills that will make your jaw drop
  • An AC that breaks down years too early

When an air conditioner goes nonstop, something is wrong with it. It might be simple, but you may also need to call us for air conditioning repair in Burlington, VT. We’ll look below at some reasons for an AC that just won’t quit.

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Do I Need an Air Purifier or an Air Filter?

Monday, August 1st, 2022

pleated-air-filterDepending on your home, you may need both. Air purifiers and air filters aren’t mutually exclusive: you don’t have to choose one and stick with it. Many homes can manage with just a set of the right type of air filters, while others will need to have an air purifier in Williston, VT provide help to their air filters to remove some of the more elusive and difficult-to-trap pollutants. 

If you’re wondering if you need either, the answer is probably yes. Air quality in many homes today is often shockingly poor because there’s not enough fresh air circulation. With more people concerned about the transmission of diseases than ever before, indoor air quality is something all homeowners should look into attempting to improve. Air filters and air purifiers are some of the best ways to get started, as well as among the most effective and affordable.

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