Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘garbage disposal’

Troubleshooting Kitchen Plumbing Issues: When to Call the Professionals

Monday, July 15th, 2024


As a homeowner, encountering kitchen plumbing issues is almost inevitable. From leaky faucets to clogged drains, these problems can disrupt your daily routine. While some issues can be resolved with basic troubleshooting, others require the expertise of a professional kitchen plumber in Plattsburgh, NY. At Red Rock Mechanical, we’re here to guide you through common kitchen plumbing problems and help you determine when it’s time to call in the experts.

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Why Does My Garbage Disposal Smell So Bad?

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Your garbage disposal is a great tool that makes it easier to get rid of some food waste. But, the things that go down your drain and into your garbage disposal can leave a residue that makes your sink and drain smell bad. Sometimes the smell can get bad enough that it permeates your entire home.

If you need services for your garbage disposal in South Burlington, VT, our team is here to help. In the meantime, you can learn more about why your garbage disposal smells bad, and what you can do to address bad odors and even prevent them from ever happening.

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The History of the Garbage Disposal

Monday, September 26th, 2022

It’s back-to-school time, and we’re in the mood to dispense with a bit of education ourselves. Today we’re going to look at the history of an important appliance that’s likely in your house, one you probably don’t give much thought to because it’s such an ordinary part of daily life: the garbage disposal. It’s hard to imagine, but there was a time before the convenience of garbage disposals, and there was also a time when garbage disposals were controversial. Yes, really. These in-sink food grinders were a big revolution in kitchen plumbing and waste disposal, and today we’re going to share their story with you.

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Common Misunderstandings About Garbage Disposals

Monday, July 4th, 2022

The misunderstandings about garbage disposals start with the name—garbage disposals aren’t meant to handle actual garbage! These common, everyday devices found in most kitchens have many basic misconceptions swirling around them. Poor advice on the internet has made these errors more common: you’ll hear a piece of advice one way (always pour hot water down the drain when running the disposal) and then the other (nope, pour cold water down the disposal).

We want you to have a garbage disposal in Stowe, VT that runs flawlessly for years. To help, we’ve listed common misunderstandings about these devices. When you know the truth, you can take better care of your garbage disposal.

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Warning Signs of a Failing Garbage Disposal

Monday, April 25th, 2022

It’s okay if you don’t think much about your garbage disposal on a daily basis. It’s an important functional item in your kitchen that you use almost every day without any trouble. But you need to know that your garbage disposal isn’t invincible. It’s not “the last garbage disposal you’ll ever need to buy.”

These appliances have powerful motors, experience friction, and go through plenty of wear over the years. Repairs can sometimes get a broken one back to work, but you’ll want to know several of the signs of a garbage disposal that’s ready for a full replacement.

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Tips for Keeping the Garbage Disposal Healthy This Holiday Season

Monday, October 25th, 2021

Halloween is the signal for the big end-of-the-year holiday flood to start, with major holidays arriving at the end of both November and December, all of which involve feasting and guests. If you are entertaining in your home this year, you can expect your kitchen to handle an enormous workload, probably more than it experiences at any other time of the year. Making sure all your kitchen plumbing is in good shape to handle the pressure can help make the holiday season far more enjoyable for your and your guests.

There’s one part of your kitchen plumbing that needs specific attention at this time of year because it’s most vulnerable to failures: the garbage disposal. If you have an old and often faulty garbage disposal, we strongly recommend you get a new garbage disposal in Williston, VT. That’s a job we can do for you. If your garbage disposal is still in good shape, we have some important tips to help you keep it that way.

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6 Simple New Year’s Resolutions for Your Plumbing

Monday, January 6th, 2020

happy-new-year-champagneMaybe you aren’t into making New Year’s Resolutions. We understand—sometimes putting up a big plan for the year seems daunting and makes you afraid of failure. But there are smaller resolutions you can make that aren’t so much vows for personal betterment as they are simply planning. For example, planning to have better plumbing in Plattsburgh, NY for 2020. No need for a resolution, you just have to remember some basic steps and a few tasks and you’ll have plumbing with far fewer problems and better future ahead of it.

Let’s go through the six “resolutions” we recommend for your plumbing!

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Signs You’ve Got a Garbage Disposal Going Bad

Monday, October 14th, 2019

rinsing-lettuce-kitchen-sinkA kitchen garbage disposal isn’t meant to last forever, although people often treat the ones in their homes as if they were immortal. We’ve written before about how you can take better care of your kitchen garbage disposal to avoid having to replace it years too early. Today we’re going to look at the inevitable point when you realize it’s time for a new disposal.

When you notice these signs below, call for our Burlington, VT, plumbing professionals. Our plumbers can help determine if you’ve got a dying garbage disposal and then get to work on putting in a new one that will last you for many years.

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Bad Garbage Disposal Odors: Why They Happen, How to Prevent Them

Monday, December 24th, 2018

pouring-waterYou never want bad odors wafting through your house, but especially not during times when you have guests staying over. And one common source of unpleasant odors in your house is the garbage disposal. Although you should never be placing actual garbage down the garbage disposal (and every plumber wishes these devices had different, less misleading names), you can still end up with a disposal giving off a “garbage” smell.

We’re going to look into some of the reasons why you may have bad odors coming from the garbage disposal, as well as what you can do to prevent this from happening.

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How to Tell You Need a New Garbage Disposal

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

If you’re used to working in a home kitchen with a garbage disposal in the sink, you wouldn’t want to have to go without it. Even a single day with no disposal will make you understand what an essential part of your daily life it is.

Unfortunately, people often ignore signs that their garbage disposal is coming to the end of its service life (usually 10 to 15 years). Below are a few of the indications that will tell you it’s time to call our expert plumbers and arrange to have a new disposal put in. It’s a good way to get your kitchen off to a fine start to the New Year!

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