Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Replacement’

Understanding the New SEER2 Rating for Air Conditioners

Monday, July 1st, 2024

As the HVAC industry continues to evolve, so do the standards by which we measure the efficiency of air conditioning systems. One of the most significant changes in recent years is the transition from the traditional SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) to the new SEER2 rating. 

In this post, we’ll break down the SEER2 rating, explain why it was introduced, and highlight the benefits of upgrading to a SEER2-rated air conditioner for your next AC installation in Burlington, VT.

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Can My Air Conditioner Rust?

Monday, July 18th, 2022

old-air-conditionerThe simple answer to the question is “yes.” An air conditioner contains numerous metal components, many of which can rust because of contact with water. 

There’s more to it, however. If you’re asking this question, it might be because you’ve noticed corrosion on your air conditioner and have concerns about whether this means the system needs air conditioning service Plattsburgh, NY. Or you may feel worried about the long-term service life of your air conditioner and want to know what you can do to prevent rust in the first place. 

We’ll look deeper into the issue of rust occurring in an AC below.

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End of Summer Question: How Long Will Your AC Last?

Monday, September 13th, 2021

air-conditioner-white-bgNo air conditioning system will run year after year—there is no “endless summer” when it comes to an AC. An air conditioner that receives regular maintenance each year and has repairs done promptly as needed can put in many years of effective and efficient cooling. But eventually it will reach a point where its performance falters and it costs too much to run, and it’s best to replace it with a new system before it suffers an emergency breakdown. 

This brings up one of the Big Questions about residential air conditioning: How long can you expect your central air conditioner to last? You want to know when it’s time to plan for a new AC installation and leave aside scheduling air conditioning repair in Essex, VT.

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Late Summer Signs You May Need a New AC

Monday, August 16th, 2021

air-conditioner-with-dirty-coilsAugust is the time when air conditioning systems face serious challenges. Not just because of the heat, but also because of the wear and tear they’ve gone through in the first part of summer.

Regular maintenance in spring is an immense help with getting an AC through the entire summer, including the heaviest period during August. But there’s a case of air conditioning fatigue in late summer that no amount of maintenance or repairs can help—an air conditioner that’s too old. 

During the end of summer, you may notice signs from your air conditioner that it’s ready for retirement, either right now or in the coming fall when you won’t need cooling as much. Follow us below for a list of the major warning signs you need new air conditioning in Essex, VT.

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Why Does My AC Keep Turning Off Too Early?

Monday, June 7th, 2021

vent-cover-in-ceilingA common cause for an AC failing to keep a house cool enough during summer is because the air conditioning system isn’t completing its full cooling cycle and instead shuts down early. Sometimes the air conditioner may come back on soon after and repeat the process; this is called short-cycling. But the AC may also simply shut off and stay off for a long stretch. Either is bad news for your comfort, since it doesn’t give the cool air ample time to spread through the rooms, and short cycling brings the added problem of extra strain put on the system.

Below we’ll go over some of the more common reasons your AC might be shutting down before it’s done its job.

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The Great Fall Question: Did Your AC Do Enough This Last Summer?

Monday, September 14th, 2020

calendar-scheduling-bookFall is almost here—it may already be here by the time you read this—and people will start looking forward to their end of the year plans. But this is also a time to reflect on the summer, and in our case, that means reflecting on air conditioning in Burlington, VT. Specifically, your air conditioning system. How did it perform this summer? Your answer may help you decide on vital AC services you can have done during the fall lull.

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5 Steps to Make Your AC More Efficient

Monday, August 31st, 2020

air-conditioner-money-saverAt the end of the summer is when you’re most likely to notice your air conditioning system is wasting money. The bills for the summer have accumulated, and you may see a difference in how much you’re paying—an unpleasant difference.

But you don’t have to accept the fate of a bank-breaking Williston, VT, HVAC system. You can take steps to improve the energy efficiency of your central AC. Some are bigger steps than others, and you may require the assistance of our expert air conditioning technicians. But making the changes are worth it since an inefficient AC is not only expensive, it’s going to decline further and end up sticking you with a non-working cooling system on a day when you need it most.

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The Line Set: What It Means for AC Replacement

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

air-conditioning-tool-bagThe line set is an essential part of any split system air conditioner. A split system AC is probably the type you have: it’s the standard air conditioner set-up of an outdoor condenser cabinet where heat is released and an indoor unit and blower to remove heat from the air and then send it into the ductwork. The line set is the vital part the connects the indoor and outdoor components. It’s a double set of copper refrigerant lines that carry the circulating refrigerant to and from the units. The line set is sometimes exposed and sometimes hidden in the ground.

During an AC installation in Burlington, VT, the copper piping for the AC must be cut to fit the place of the unit, as well as match the specifications for the air conditioner. This requires professional precision, as does anything involved in air conditioning installation. And when it comes time to put in a new air conditioner, professionals need to make special considerations of the line set.

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The Nonstop AC: What Might Be Causing It

Monday, July 20th, 2020

fan-grill-cuWhen your air conditioning system won’t turn on, you know it means trouble. After all, you’ll feel the effects right away and want something done about it. But what about the reverse problem, an air conditioning system that won’t stop running? You may enjoy the cool house for a bit, but when the AC won’t power down, you’ll not only have a house that’s too cold, you’ll also waste enormous amounts of money and have an air conditioner that’s wearing down so fast that it will need replacement years too early.

Although there are sometimes simple solutions to the nonstop air conditioner, in many cases you’ll need our assistance for AC repair in Williston, VT to get the cooling system under control. Below are some of the possible causes of a runaway air conditioner:

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Signs of an AC Compressor Going Bad

Monday, May 25th, 2020

woman-and-fanThe compressor is the most critical part of your central air conditioning system. All parts of an AC are important for it to operate, but the reason we say the compressor is the most critical is because when it fails, not only does the AC lose its ability to cool, it also usually means the air conditioner must be replaced with a new condenser and indoor evaporator coil.

You can prevent serious damage to your AC because of a compressor that’s going bad if you know what to look for. A call for air conditioning repair in Plattsburgh, NY from our technicians may be able to save the compressor. If that isn’t possible, you’ll at least be able to arrange for a replacement on your schedule rather than being forced to when the air conditioning system breaks down.

Below are the major warnings to look for that you’ve got a bad compressor.

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