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Spring Tips to Get Your Plumbing in Shape

checkmark-greenNow that we’re starting to experience spring weather, it’s a good time to make sure your plumbing is ready for the middle of the year. Don’t worry: this isn’t as big a job as winter prep, when you’re working hard to make sure none of the pipes freeze. These spring steps are basic maintenance checks and jobs that you can either do yourself or with the assistance of a Burlington, VT plumber. We’re always available to assist you if you should discover anything wrong with your plumbing that needs repair or replacement work right away. 

Test the sump pump

A sump pump is most useful during spring, when the chance of flooding increases. But a sump pump isn’t much good if it won’t turn on automatically when you need it. To see that the pump is ready to go and doesn’t need to be either repaired or replaced, take some time to test it. Turn the sump pump on, clear out the sump of any debris, and then slowly pour a bucket of water into the sump to see if the pump activates. Check to see that it removes most of the water. If the pump won’t work, call us for service.

Arrange for water heater maintenance (if you haven’t already)

It’s important for a water heater’s short-term performance and long-term efficiency that it has maintenance at least once a year. You may already have gotten into a pattern of having it maintained in fall, which is a good time to do it. But if you didn’t have it done in the fall, spring is also a good time. This job requires professionals.

Check for leaks under the sinks

Go through all the sinks in the house and open the cabinets underneath to look for indications of leaks. These may not be easy to see at first, but look on the bottom of the cabinet for indication of staining or warping that shows water accumulation. These leaks can often escape detection if there are many items stored under the sink. 

Clean faucet aerators

Unscrew the aerators from the faucet heads around the house and clean out any silt that has built up in them. 

Pour water down infrequently used drains

Are there any drains in your house that are rarely used, such as in a guest bathroom? If so, take the time to turn on the faucet for any of these sinks and run water down the drain for about a minute. This will make sure there is water down in the p-trap that will prevent sewer gas from coming up into the house.

Do a water leak check

Go to the water meter for your house and write down the number on it. Then don’t use any water or water-using appliances for at least an hour. (You may want to check the meter before you go to bed or before leaving your house for a few hours.) Recheck the meter. If the meter shows water usage, it may indicate a hidden leak in the house. Call us to do leak detection and find out what’s happening.

Red Rock Mechanical, LLC serves Northwest Vermont and Northeast New York. Call us for all your plumbing needs.

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