Halloween is the signal for the big end-of-the-year holiday flood to start, with major holidays arriving at the end of both November and December, all of which involve feasting and guests. If you are entertaining in your home this year, you can expect your kitchen to handle an enormous workload, probably more than it experiences at any other time of the year. Making sure all your kitchen plumbing is in good shape to handle the pressure can help make the holiday season far more enjoyable for your and your guests.
There’s one part of your kitchen plumbing that needs specific attention at this time of year because it’s most vulnerable to failures: the garbage disposal. If you have an old and often faulty garbage disposal, we strongly recommend you get a new garbage disposal in Williston, VT. That’s a job we can do for you. If your garbage disposal is still in good shape, we have some important tips to help you keep it that way.
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Tags: garbage disposal, kitchen plumbing, Williston
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