Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Archive for January, 2022

How You Can Tell Your Water Heater Is Beyond Repair

Monday, January 17th, 2022

leaking-water-heaterIt would be nice if you could purchase a water heater once and then never have to worry about it again. It would work perfectly for the rest of the time you owned your house. This isn’t the case, but many homeowners treat their water heater as if it were immortal and let an old one linger long past the point where it should’ve gotten replaced.

We want to help you know when it’s best to leave aside continuing repairs on your home’s water heater and instead invest in a replacement. When it comes to water heaters in Plattsburgh, NY, we’re the experts you can trust for honest advice and great service. 

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Here’s Why You Aren’t Getting the Performance You Need Out of Your Furnace

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

woman-in-sweaterCold weather and snowy nights may produce images of hot cocoa and a warm fireplace, but frigid nights are anything but pleasant when your furnace isn’t working properly.

Instead of shivering underneath piles of blankets or trying to fix the furnace yourself, Red Rock Mechanical, a heater service in Plattsburg, NY, can troubleshoot and repair common furnace malfunctions, including…

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