Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Archive for February, 2021

Some Helpful Facts About Electric Ignition Gas Furnaces

Monday, February 15th, 2021

burners-in-furnaceOnce upon a time, the way gas furnaces ignited their burners was with a standing pilot light. You’re probably familiar with at least a few of these older furnace models since they have a long history. A small gas flame stays lit throughout the winter and, when natural gas flows to the burners, this flame is responsible for igniting the jets to start the heating cycle.

Today, electronic ignition systems have replaced the pilot lights. An electric ignition gas furnace is more energy efficient since it doesn’t have to use gas throughout the winter just to keep the pilot light on. This type of ignition is also more reliable: no more worrying about the pilot light going out.

However, electric ignition gas furnaces can still run into issues, and you may require furnace repair in Burlington, VT to get yours back to work. We’re going to look closer at these ignition systems and provide helpful facts about them.

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Why the Heater Is Shutting Off Too Early

Monday, February 1st, 2021

cold-man-and-woman-in-parkasYou expect the central heating system in your house to run long enough to reach the temperature set on the thermostat. That’s its job. A heater should complete a full heating cycle that distributes warmth throughout the house, leaving few cold spots. But if your heater is shutting down after running for less than 15 minutes, or even less than 10 minutes, the house won’t get warm enough. A few rooms near the center of the house may be comfortable, but the rest of the house will be literally left in the cold.

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