Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Installation’

Understanding the New SEER2 Rating for Air Conditioners

Monday, July 1st, 2024

As the HVAC industry continues to evolve, so do the standards by which we measure the efficiency of air conditioning systems. One of the most significant changes in recent years is the transition from the traditional SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) to the new SEER2 rating. 

In this post, we’ll break down the SEER2 rating, explain why it was introduced, and highlight the benefits of upgrading to a SEER2-rated air conditioner for your next AC installation in Burlington, VT.

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Can I Save Money by Buying a Used Air Conditioning System?

Monday, April 13th, 2020

air-conditioning-unitThis is a question we sometimes hear from customers who are looking to lower household costs. It makes sense for people to inquire about purchasing used AC equipment since so many other expenses for a home can be reduced by buying used. A car for example. Or furnishings. So why not buy a “previously owned” air conditioner, especially at times when people are looking closer at their budgets?

Well, there are many reasons not to buy a used air conditioner, and not a single HVAC contractor recommends it. Buying used when it comes to HVAC in Plattsburgh, NY is a major money loser in the short and long term. Below are a few reasons why:

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The Advantages of a Zone Control System

Tuesday, July 25th, 2017

room-ventCentral heating and air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions in the modern home (maybe not at the level of indoor plumbing, but we’re not here to debate old sayings). One comfort system can distribute cooled and heated air to rooms throughout a house.

But there’s a flaw in the standard way a central HVAC system is designed, which is that it’s an “all-or-nothing” proposition. On a hot day, when the air conditioner turns on, cooled air goes to every room. That sounds great at first—until you realize that some of these rooms aren’t occupied. This is an expenditure of energy the home doesn’t need.

And, thanks to the creation of zone control systems, it’s an unnecessary expenditure of energy. Zone control allows for better manipulation of how cooled and heated air is distributed around a house.

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Reasons You Never Want Amateurs to Install Your Air Conditioning

Monday, June 6th, 2016

We live in an era when “Do It Yourself” projects are more popular than ever before. It can be fun to tackle some household ventures on your own, but it’s important to know where to draw the line between jobs that an amateur can figure out… and jobs that must have a professional.

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Nothing Beats a Burlington Summer Like a Brand New Air Conditioner

Monday, July 27th, 2015

For many of us here in the Burlington area, summer is the best time of the year. It’s a time of barbecues, fishing, hiking and swimming, but on those especially humid days, it can also be one of discomfort. If your AC is no longer up to the task of providing cool air to your home, then it may be time to look for something new. There are several signs to look for and several new system options available. How cool do you want to be?

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The Problem with an Oversized Air Conditioning System

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

Here’s a piece of advice we cannot stress enough when it comes to residential air conditioning: you must leave the installation of a new air conditioner for a home to HVAC professionals. It is not only a matter of seeing that the new AC is correctly hooked up and will work as it should. It is also a matter of finding the right size of air conditioner.

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Increase Efficiency with a New Air Conditioner

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

Efficiency is important when it comes to the large appliances in your home. Efficiency can translate directly into dollars saved, so when appliances like your whole-home air conditioner aren’t working efficiently, you can lose money; this can be especially true for air conditioners that are 10+ years old. Just as a new car can be more efficient than an older one, so, too, can a new air conditioner. If you are thinking of investing in a new air conditioning installation for your Williston, VT property, let our Red Rock Mechanical experts give you a few reasons how this can increase your system’s efficiency.

SEER Numbers

Before we talk about specific ways a new AC can be more efficient than your older one, we want to talk about SEER numbers.

SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency rating, and it tells consumers how energy efficient a specific model is on a scale from 1 to 20. In 2006, the federal law regarding SEER was upgraded from a minimum SEER of 10 to 13. This meant that starting in 2006, all air conditioners had to be manufactured with a minimum SEER of 13. Therefore, if you have an air conditioner that is 8+ years old, it is likely that your AC is not as energy efficient as it could be.

Increasing Efficiency with a New AC

As we outlined above, air conditioners made and purchased before 2006 had a lower required energy efficiency number. Here are some other ways a new air conditioning system can help increase your overall energy efficiency:

  • Less repair work – if you experience a high level of malfunctions and/or breakdowns that require multiple repairs, not only are you paying service fees but your AC is most likely not running well, either. This inefficiency results in additional monetary loss.
  • Better overall operating efficiency – not only is the minimum requirement for a new air conditioner more stringent, but advances in technology have also made today’s air conditioners more efficient – some as much as 60% than ACs from just a decade ago.
  • Better fit for your home – as air conditioners age, their ability to cool your home can decrease with time; this can result in warm and cold spots that can occur throughout your home. To compensate for the shortfall in cooling properly, your air conditioner may start to cycle more frequently, or for longer periods of time. Either of these scenarios mean more energy is used – energy you have to pay for. With a new system that can handle your home’s cooling load, you won’t have to worry about extra energy usage.

Is Your AC Ready to Handle the Heat?

Choosing to move ahead with a new air conditioning installation in Williston, VT is something that requires consideration and calculation, and we are here to help. Call Red Rock Mechanical today and schedule an appointment to meet with one of our installation experts.

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