Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘South Burlington’

Why Does My Garbage Disposal Smell So Bad?

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Your garbage disposal is a great tool that makes it easier to get rid of some food waste. But, the things that go down your drain and into your garbage disposal can leave a residue that makes your sink and drain smell bad. Sometimes the smell can get bad enough that it permeates your entire home.

If you need services for your garbage disposal in South Burlington, VT, our team is here to help. In the meantime, you can learn more about why your garbage disposal smells bad, and what you can do to address bad odors and even prevent them from ever happening.

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Why the Heater Is Shutting Off Too Early

Monday, February 1st, 2021

cold-man-and-woman-in-parkasYou expect the central heating system in your house to run long enough to reach the temperature set on the thermostat. That’s its job. A heater should complete a full heating cycle that distributes warmth throughout the house, leaving few cold spots. But if your heater is shutting down after running for less than 15 minutes, or even less than 10 minutes, the house won’t get warm enough. A few rooms near the center of the house may be comfortable, but the rest of the house will be literally left in the cold.

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You May Need to Replace Your Water Main!

Monday, August 5th, 2019

pipe-decayThe water main is as essential as household plumbing pipes get. After all, if you don’t have water piped into your house from the municipal water supply, you don’t have water in your house and you don’t have much use for a plumbing system at all!

So when it comes time to replace the water main—and it will come eventually, no pipe lasts forever—you need to know the signs. This is a job you want taken care of as soon as possible, and below we’ve written some of the indications to look for.

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The Shower Nightmare in Reverse: No COLD Water!

Monday, January 21st, 2019

showerhead-ceiling-runningThis is a flip-side one, a Bizzaro World problem that’s more common than you may think. In fact, you’re probably reading this because it’s happening to you—you’ve turned on the shower, but the water is too hot and you can’t get it to cool down. This can actually be worse than having no hot water in the shower, because nothing-but-hot-water may mean the water is at dangerous scalding temperatures. Cold water at least won’t damage your skin.

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