Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heat pump maintenance’

Keeping the Heat Pump Running All Night: Good Idea or Not?

Monday, February 15th, 2016

If you have a heat pump to supply your home with cool conditions in summer and cozy warmth during winter, you may have heard advice from various sources that it is better to have the heat pump run all through the night during cold weather. At first, this may sound like a smart idea: you can keep your house comfortable during the coldest period (night), and also take advantage of non-peak hours that won’t place immense strain on local power stations.

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Keeping Your Heat Pump Energy-Efficient During Winter

Monday, January 25th, 2016

At one time, heat pumps were not a reliable source for keeping a home warm during extremely cold winters. They were better suited to mild winter climates, so a heat pump in Vermont wouldn’t make much sense. The times have changed, however, and the technology of heat pumps has come far enough that they can work efficiency even when the temperature plunges past freezing.

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