For many decades, professional plumbers faced a difficult task when they needed to locate leaking pipes or find the best way to repair drainpipes and other parts of the plumbing that are hidden from sight. How could they find where a leak was occurring, or what kind of damage the pipe had suffered, if they didn’t have easy access to the pipe? Plumbers had to put their best training to work, but they also needed to rely on trial and error and educated guessing to get the job done—and it wouldn’t always turn out ideally.
But that was yesterday’s plumbing dilemma. Today, Master Plumbers like those at Red Rock Mechanical, LLC have excellent advanced tools that allow for precision inspection, detection, and repair services. One of the essential tools that we use is video pipe inspection equipment. When you hire us for plumbing service in Burlington, VT or elsewhere in Northwest Vermont and Northeast New York, you can depend on us making the best use of this equipment. That way the job is done faster and with the highest possible accuracy.
I would highly recommend Doug and Red Rock Mechanical.
- Ann H.
How Video Pipe Inspection Works
Video pipe inspection uses the best in miniaturization technology and fiber optics to give a plumber the true "insider’s view" of the pipes in a residential or commercial building. The standard video pipe inspection kit consists of a tiny digital camera and powerful LED light mounted on the end of a long, flexible fiber optic cable.
The cable connects to a monitor that allows the plumber a large view of whatever the digital camera sees. The plumber sends the cable down into the plumbing (the cable length is long enough to reach through the entirety of a household sewer line) and can examine pipes from the inside using the feed on the monitor.
The Uses of Video Pipe Inspection Equipment
A plumber can put this technology to work for you in multiple ways. One of the most basic uses of video camera inspections is leak detection. For example, slab leaks are among the hardest of leaks to pinpoint. But with video inspection equipment, the job becomes simple, with little chance of error.
Video pipe inspections are also invaluable when investigating clogging and drain stoppages that can’t be explained from the surface. The camera will provide the plumber with the essential information necessary to remedy the problem—without wasting any time on trial and error efforts.
The Skilled Master Plumbers You Need in Burlington, VT
We’re a small, family–owned company. But that doesn’t mean we are behind the times! Far from it: we stay current with the best available plumbing technology because we know our customers rely on us for service that goes above and beyond what they’ll get from a larger and more impersonal company.
On each job, our Master Plumbers arrive ready to go to work with the finest in tools that will make the work go fast and leave you fully satisfied with the job done. We are dedicated to the highest level of quality. Contact our Burlington office today, and let the 23 years of experience at Red Rock Mechanical, LLC go to work for you.